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Social Design 

Old Testament books used to 

describe detailed gender-specific dress codes. This indicates that cross-dressing 
was not only prohibited, but that it in fact did occur. In the Netherlands and Western Europe, the woman 
dressed as a man was a popular motif in songs and plays. Were these fantasies, which 
were fashionable for a while as a literary theme, or did the phenomenon also occur in reality? 
After an interesting study about women in men's clothing in the 16th and 17th century, I 
found out how many stories exist about women transforming into men. Not only 
in the form of an act, but also as a survival strategy.

In the film MANNISH I wanted to give a stage to DRAGKINGS and different movements within 
the scene. As long as humans have existed, gender expression has existed in various forms. I 
inspire my viewer to reflect on their masculine side and how it takes shape. 

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